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Eposic Character Art Pack Vol #2
by Bryan H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/24/2018 08:46:20

The product is fine, but the characters are posed in very stiff ways. The lighting also seems really flat. Once again, these do make excellent character portraits.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Eposic Character Art Pack Vol #2
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Eposic Character Art Pack Vol #1
by Bryan H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/24/2018 08:45:35

The product is fine, but the characters are posed in very stiff ways and the quality of the image just isn't high enough that I'd use them for other products but they do make excellent character portraits.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Eposic Character Art Pack Vol #1
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Search and Ye May Find
by JOHNATHAN F. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/30/2014 12:55:41

At first I thought the game was too short and I regretted buying it-----------but then I became addicted to it! It was so much fun, I played for hours(even though it was short(because there are so many ways to go even if it is short(you need some lucky saving rolls-----but be careful of the poisonous squirrel! He is deadly and killed off at least 2 of my characters! Great game!! Buy it!!!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Search and Ye May Find
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Search and Ye May Find
by Nigel S. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/18/2013 14:34:20

I was disappointed with the lack of content which is basically 26 paragraphs. Some paragraphs are memorable like the death squirrel,avoid at all costs if you want your character to live but the remaining have you going through the motions. The game play gets very stilted and consisted of luck test,if failed wandering monster test,if successful roll for treasure 50% chance of one gold piece or less and then a wandering monster test. I found it monotonous.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
The Tome of Advanced Specialist Mages
by Chet C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/16/2012 19:10:22

LdThis is that rarity - a supplement which really adds flavor to the original and truly enhances it. Character classes have been a limiting factor in RPGs since Day One and, though T&T has had them, they weren't restrictive at all. (You'd have to read T&T to see how Ken pulled that off.) So I was a little anxious about something that seemed to add restrictive classes to the game.

I needn't have been. This, like T&T itself, demonstrates remarkable versatility, allowing one to play as crunchy or as freewheeling as you want. D&D Next couod do well by studying what's going on here.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Tome of Advanced Specialist Mages
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Search and Ye May Find
by Chet C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/16/2012 19:00:34

Though I didn't find much my first time through, I thoroughly enjoyed the trip, and came back again and again. It's fun and just different enough to make it worth your while to think outside the box. Love the cover!

I really think you'll enjoy this, and the price is awfully good!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Search and Ye May Find
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The Tome of Advanced Specialist Mages
by Ken S. A. [Featured Reviewer] Date Added: 05/03/2012 20:41:33

When I created the 7th edition of Tunnels & Trolls in 1975, i made rolling triples and adding a rule for character creation. It allows players to break out of the bell curve of attribute distribution, and calls for a new class of character--the Specialist. The Specialist class was meant to open up T & T character creation and enable all sorts of strange and more effective character types. However, I gave only a few examples of the new specialist class--Ranger, Leader, Combat Mage. Knowing how creative roleplayers are in general, and T & T players in particular, I thought there would soon be dozens of new specialist types available for players to use. But it didn't happen. There were a few specialists suggested, but only a few.

Now Michael Eidson has given the matter some thought and created 19 new types of specialist wizards. Bravo! I especially liked the Combat Psychic and the Kremm Warrior. The kremm warrior is a mage who functions like a fighter, but his weapons and armor are not enchanted--they are purely magical constructs--solidified magic instead of steel or other physical tools. What a cool idea! The other 18 concepts in this 32 page booklet are equally innovative. I hope that seeing what can be done with the wizard class will inspire others to be equally creative with other character classes incuding warriors, rogues, and citizens. My highest recommendation for this book to all T & T players!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Tome of Advanced Specialist Mages
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