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AfterWorlds for HARP SciFi ROUGH DRAFT
by Bruce M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/01/2014 12:08:34

Not really enough to go on. The art was ok. The introduction sounds a little interesting but the picture depicts mutated races that resemble a cross between human and animal. Which is not really that appealing to me and themes like that don't usually sell well. In fact most apocalyptic themes don't seem to sell that well. I think for a post apocalyptic game it would be better to settle on a darker theme and not so much of government involvement. Maybe some weird things started happening and the government stepped in and only made it worse. A setting similar to the Terry Brooks Shanara series might work also. Specifically Word and Void and the Genesis of Shanara series. Adding in mutants and other types of beings would be ok, just stay away from the animal cross breeds. If you must do that make it a little less apparent, maybe darker. Mutated animals might take a more sinister and grotesque approach. Maybe even take some ideas/elements from the Rolemaster settings "Darkspace", and or "Shades of Darkeness". Both failed for their own reasons but there was a few good ideas in there. Just my 2 cents worth.


[3 of 5 Stars!]
AfterWorlds for HARP SciFi ROUGH DRAFT
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