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Humans! Humans! 1st Edition
by Tomonori [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/01/2025 12:45:15

I think it's a wonderful work that enhances our understanding and imagination of the Zimrala world. I especially like that the distribution of 2D6 roles of professions and skills allows us to understand the approximate social structure of each species(example: elves have a lot of diplomats). I think these are simple and powerful ways to understand social structure. In the future, I hope to see information on the professions and skills of non-human monsters with a social structure by a system of division of labor.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Humans! Humans! 1st Edition
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Grimhold, a GM adventure for Zimrala
by Jerry [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 05/31/2024 17:25:50

This adventure is for Monsters! Monsters!, sister game to the venerable Tunnels & Trolls, and is by Ken St. Andre, designer of both games. Listed at 48 pages, there are 2 pages of cover, 2 pages of end matter, and a map of Zimrala (the default setting for Monsters! Monsters! The map is well done, but has no real utility in this adventure. So, 43 pages of actual adventure. This adventure is set in the eternal subterranean caverns of Grimhold. This is the home of the Dwarves, and of their leader, Gristlegrim. Gristlegrim is one of Ken's creations, and has appeared in Tunnels & Trolls products before. Indeed, it was them mention of Gristlegrim that piqued my interest. If you've played any of Ken St. Andre's "teleport" dungeons, Grimhold isn't too far off. It's essentially a series of randomly rolled locations and/or encounters. There is no map, just descriptions of locations. I'm not sure this will appeal to those who aren't already fans of T&T or M!M!. And I'm not sure it's supposed to. There is plenty here to have several evenings of adventure, and it will feel familiar (in a good way) to those familiar with St. Andre's previous works. I like it, and hope to use it as an adjunct to the legendary, controversial and rare Gristlegrim Dungeon. But it could easily be used on its own. There are essentially 11 locations here (determined by a roll of 2d6), and some of these have encounters and/or sub-tables. There is a d20 random encounter table as well. Owing to the smallish number of locations and encounters, I'm not sure how much replay value is here. Still, what is here is good, flavorful and creative. And a lot of T&T/M!M! supplements in recent years have tended to be shorter/smaller, anyway. The art is nice, though I suspect it uses AI, manipulated by artist David Ullery. It looks really good though, and is consistent in its look and feel. Overall, I like this a lot. It feels very much like a classic Ken St. Andre product. I feel that it's good value for the money, and I'm glad I purchased it. Long-time fans of Ken's work will find much to like here.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Grimhold, a GM adventure for Zimrala
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Monsters! Monsters! 2.7 Edition
by ypikaye [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 02/07/2024 05:38:34

We're making good progress, but personally I feel that there are still some necessary clarifications or clarifications of the rules that need to be made. Looking at the work Sarah Newton has done on The lair of the Leopard empresses, I'm expecting just as much from the next version of M!M!

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Monsters! Monsters! 2.7 Edition
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Monsters! Monsters! 2.7 Edition
by Wj [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/03/2024 05:26:11

Another big step forward for these rules. I especially liked the expanded equipment lists (which include a rationale for the reason some monster types prefer particular weapons) and notes from the designer explaining how he runs his own games.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Monsters! Monsters! 2nd Edition
by Alex W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/12/2023 13:47:23

My first ever RPG experience was playing Tunnel & Trolls back in the early 80's. I've always had a soft spot for its simplicity, lack of pretension and slight goofyness. It's my "go to" fantasy RPG but although I still have twp different editions from those bygone days, for a current day gamer the game is harder to source; the 40th Anniversary edition made the terrible mistake of betraying T&T's cheap-and-cheerful ethos by being a huge expensive hardback and it's OOP now anyway; second hand copies of any edition on eBay go for stupid money thanks to nerd hoarders so that the only real solution is getting a PDF of the classic 5th edition from DTRPG and getting it printed out.

Until now...

M!M! 2nd edition is basically T&T but with monsters as the PC's instead of the heroes. Perhaps the monsters are the heroes and the heroes are the monsters? How metaphysical! The mechanics of the game are identical to T&T, the spells still have silly names, the approach to gaming is still loose and fun and the layout is both retro styled and easy to read.

Ken St Andre no longer owns the rights to T&T itself. Pease God that Rebellion, the new owners, don't screw it up, but if they do then M!M! remains in Ken's hands to give players the authentic experience of the world's 2nd ever RPG.

Now, if Ken was a true "troll" he'd ready a Monsters! Monsters! Heroic Supplement to release on the same day as Rebellion's version of T&T. Perhaps he could go even further by calling it by the game's original name of Tunnels & Troglodytes, thus retaining "T&T" once more for himself.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Monsters! Monsters! 2nd Edition
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Jungle Jeopardy M!M! Solo & GM adventure
by Patrick B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/01/2023 22:34:43

Jungle Jeopardy is my first entry into the Zimrala universe. Yes, I'm a little late. I'm always behind on everything. The proposed adventure is captivating, violent and very funny. All the ingredients that make for a good story can be found in this single-player module, and I even took some sexy liberties. But I must frankly admit that I would not have bought Jungle if it had not been available in POD. My computer is dying, dying of thousands of PDFs that will never be read and will be useless before the end of the world. I'd rather see books burn spectacularly than files disappear into silence.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Jungle Jeopardy M!M! Solo & GM adventure
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Monsters! Monsters! 2nd Edition
by Harold M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/18/2023 19:32:47

This is a very excellent update to the MM rules. It is presented well and easy to learn. It improves some of the rules from the earlier version. Great work!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Monsters! Monsters! 2nd Edition
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Mission for a Cat Goddess
by Harold M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/18/2023 19:30:06

A very cool adventure set in the MM world of Zimrala. I'm very happy with this product.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Mission for a Cat Goddess
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Monsterary of Zimrala
by Harold M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 08/18/2023 19:28:21

This is an excellent resource for any Monsters! Monsters! or Tunnels & Trolls game. I plan on running my next fantasy campaign in Zimrala. Keep up the great work!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Monsterary of Zimrala
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Jungle Jeopardy M!M! Solo & GM adventure
by Wj M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/18/2023 01:46:52

This is a supplement for the revitalised Monsters!Monsters! game. It comprises a short solitaire adventure, suggestions for running the solo as a GM adventure (and expanding it), and additional background on the Kindreds of Zimrala (The "offical" M!M! game setting). The book also includes a set of one-page "easy play" rules.

When solitaire gamebooks first came out they tended to be rather chaotic, effectively a series of random encounters. This book is much more coherent. As you work through the paragraphs of the adventure, there's a definite sense of a story being told - your decisions as a player will influence what happens, but everything will unfold in a logical fashion. Also, the descriptive passages within the text establish a strong and coherent backdrop to the adventure (and also suggest hooks for a GM to expand upon).

The separate GM section includes a map and briefly describes some additional locations. There is a lot of potential for a GM to build their own adventure around this, either following on from the solo or as a stand-alone story.

The book includes two sample characters, always useful for gauging the difficulty of an adventure. One is very powerful but still not guaranteed to survive (I speak from experience...)

The easy play rules are intriguing - enough to get you started, though necessarily they don't deliver the richness of the full M!M! experience. (The full M!M! rules are available separately and are a bargain, in my opinion.) Even if you are an experienced player I'd recommend trying easy play at least once - it's an interesting exercise in mental discipline.

Overall this is a nice package at a decent price. M!M! products are appearing quite frequently at present - I'll be looking out for more

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Jungle Jeopardy M!M! Solo & GM adventure
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Jungle Jeopardy M!M! Solo & GM adventure
by eric c. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/14/2023 05:47:01

love this game, as a solo player this is a must have. and the quick play rules are heaven sent. the setting is so cool.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Monsterary of Zimrala
by eric c. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/12/2023 04:03:18

a must have. some of the coolest monsters out there. they will work in any world.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Monsterary of Zimrala
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Monsters! Monsters/Toughest Dungeon Hardcover pdf
by Greg C. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 03/02/2023 21:25:22

omg 140 pages of nostalgia and so much killer art.

I love this so much.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Monsters! Monsters/Toughest Dungeon Hardcover pdf
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The Trollgod's Gift
by James H. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 01/01/2023 13:03:11

This is good for historical use only unless you assume success when competing against other members of Trollhalla (The now defunct T&T forum). Recommend adding an appendix with the stats of the Trollhalla members. Also missing paragraph "I".

[2 of 5 Stars!]
The Trollgod's Gift
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Slithery Jungle Tales no. 1
by Joshua M. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 11/17/2022 21:15:07

A pulpy slice of new fiction. Pirates! Evil wizards! Jungle heroes!

Slithery Jungle Tales is a loving tribute to popular fiction of the past. This is adventure fiction stripped down to the loincloth. It knows what it is, what it is trying to do, and does not pretend to be anything else. Very refreshing.

Eagerly awaiting issue number 2.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Slithery Jungle Tales no. 1
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