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A Potato Salad Card Game Pay What You Want
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A Potato Salad Card Game
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A Potato Salad Card Game
Publisher: Game Company No. 3
by Art A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/28/2014 17:14:27

This would make a great Kicksta...oh...yeah...right.

This would make a great card ga...oh ...yeah...right.

This IS a great card game! Dont let the hype fool you, just because North West plays this game every night before bed, or because the original was printed on paper made from Groot, it really has high playability and is simple, good clean fun.
The last group I played with could not believe we really were making potato salad. Then we did. Hilarity ensued. Even Nikola T, just arrived from the past, had never heard of Kickstarter (heck he had never heard of Potato Salad), loved it.

buy a copy, dont be cheap, spend at least a dollar. or just download it like I did. (how did I even find this?) Kudos to the person who made this game, very creative and very in touch with the current state of cool stuff. Imagocheckouttheirothergamesbrb.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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