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Audatia: Boucicault Duel Deck $8.25
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Audatia: Boucicault Duel Deck
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Audatia: Boucicault Duel Deck
Publisher: Growl Partnership Oy
by Travis H. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/27/2019 23:46:23

The artwork is great. But right now, that's the only thing I like about this game. It takes an 11 part video tutorial to explain the game. In the first video tutorial, the game designer even admits it's an extremely complicated game, and makes the excuse of only having one sheet of paper to print the rules on, which he admits are basically insufficient. And it uses a ton of phrases that are meaningless unless you are already well-versed in 15th century sword fighting. And the glossary doesn't help much either. I'm just really bummed that it's as obtuse as it is.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
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