Game of building up trees, trying to fulfil commissions and ultimately making something beautiful in front of you. The few rules about how to build up a tree (placed card has to join the tree but only touch one card when laid down) leads to a good sense of freedom. You score interim points by extending a branch on a tree where the symbols on the card you place match the ones already present. The symbols are a variety of bugs and flowers. If a placement scores 10 or more, that branch is 'pruned' and all the cards that scored have to be removed. You can also draw and collect the commissions that are in the deck instead of a branch card, and these give end game points based on various criteria: fewest or most cards in your tree, most flowers, fewest bugs and so on.
Once you realise that you can play a card on your turn onto any player's tree, the tactical play in this game reveals itself. Play on your own tree, or if you have the right card, play to an opponents to thwart their plans and to get a few points yourself. Coming up to the end of a game, you've got a card full of bugs in hand and your opponent has the fewest bugs commission in front of them? This game can be deceptively evil!
One issue we had with the game was purely emotional. The trees you can build are often very beautiful but this beauty often leads to points. Over 10 and you face the unpleasant task of pruning them back and leaving a bare tree!