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The Forest Dragon by Rory Card Game $14.99
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The Forest Dragon by Rory Card Game
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The Forest Dragon by Rory Card Game
Publisher: Handiwork Games
by Bill [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/19/2024 08:50:54

This is a great family game to play with younger and older children. My kids played it all the time when they were in elementary school and now as teens still like to get it out. I recently loaned my copy to a friend to play with her daughters. They loved it but my teenage daughter begged me to get it back.

As far as the game goes, it’s a very simple set of rules, turn over cards to collect items from the forest, but don’t push your luck too much or you might face a monster. Will you be ready?

Wonderful game from a wonderful game company.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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