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double Decktet
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double Decktet
Publisher: P.D. Magnus
by David G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 02/07/2019 16:37:03

My order of five Double Decktets (of both the original Decktet and the Capital Decktet) arrived from

  1. A wonderful surprise: the Capital Decktet is now my favorite Decktet! As much as I have loved the original Decktet for years, the Capital Decktet is even better, in my humble opinion. In my opinion, P.D. Magnus has gotten even better as an artist, and as much as I was captivated by his choice of subjects for the first Decktet, the choice of subjects for the Capital Decktet is even better. The subjects are even more interesting, even more compelling. Lastly, the Aces in the Capital Decktet now each get their own detailed artwork (unlike the original Decktet), and each Ace is stunning!

  2. I love the new card back on both decks. The card back is "The Reversal," a new card (card front, that is) in the Capital Decktet. So yes, that individual card (The Reversal) has the same front and back, kinda. This is my favorite card back for the Decktet, ever, by far.

  3. The new reference cards that come with the Double Decktet are especially good. Four of the cards are the same (as each other). They are double-sided. On one side they graphically show the suit distribution among the Decktet cards ranked 2 through 9. On the other side they graphically show the suit distribution among the Pawns and Courts. One nice benefit: these reference cards look cool, beautiful, and a bit mysterious, and I am keeping them on the top and bottom of each Decktet, in the clear plastic case each Decktet is in.

What wonderful news this all is for me. I hope that these developments will result in (much) more publicity and distribution for the Decktet.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
double Decktet
Publisher: P.D. Magnus
by Daniel R. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/16/2018 15:12:49

My favorite game system by a mile. I love the structure of the deck, the double suited cards as well as the assymetrical distribution makes for a very unique set of cards. This makes for some very interesting trick taking games but it also works well for area control, it opens up a lot of possibilities.

The art work is phenomenal in both decks although I prefer the Capital Deck. I do find myself distracted at times during games looking at the art work, spotting curious little details in the scenes. The Decktet book is a great add on to the decks if you are drawn to the system, it has a lot of information on the deck itself and rules for tons of games.

There are a number of good games for the Decktet, some of the more notable ones are Magnate, Jacynth, Emissary, Emu Ranchers. Personal favorites (besides the above) are Adaman, Double Knot and Goblin Market. And there are loads more that I haven't even tried yet!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
double Decktet
Publisher: P.D. Magnus
by Christopher G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/14/2018 09:26:48

I’m so impressed how the whole thing hangs together. The art reflects the suits and hints at a story behind the suit mechanisms. There are tools here for designing your own game, story telling elements for RPGs and several fully formed games beyond the expected trick-taking plays.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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