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Hidden Worlds: Incursion

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Hidden Worlds: Incursion
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Hidden Worlds: Incursion
Publisher: One-Legged GM
by Jay W. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/08/2019 07:22:08

First off, at almost 350 pages, this thing really needs bookmarks.

The book is obviously a labor of love by the author (with some prior groundwork by his friends), but the system is ugly. While it is based upon a single d20 roll, the road to getting to your modifiers for that roll is not an easy one to walk. Between Core Skills, Proficiencies, and other sorts of modifiers, it feels like it could have been elegant and then just went a little too far in trying to cover everything. They talk about The Curve as if it's something revolutionary, but it's nothing of the sort.

If you like random character creation, this one has it. There's too much randomness here for my tastes, but the randomness is also connected with making many choices; character creation is not simple. Many of the character options reminded me of Unisystem, but it gets too comlicated for my liking. The character sheet for the two sample characters are each 8 pages long!

In overall appearance I'm again reminded of some of the Unisystem games (namely Armageddon), and that's a compliment. Unfortunately the art isn't quite as appealing to me.

It's not a bad product, but I really feel it could have been better.

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Creator Reply:
Jay, Thank you for your purchase and review. Yes it was a (LONG) labor of love. I'm so sorry that you found difficulties with the mechanics, or presentation of the mechanics. I will absolutely take a look at the issues that you brought up. As a note, the book format is 6"x9" and the character sheets are half-page sheets to keep in that size format. Full-size character sheets run 2 pages front and back. I hope this helps (at least a little)! Thank you, and have fun! Bryan
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