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The Pulp of Tarot $25.00
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The Pulp of Tarot
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The Pulp of Tarot
Publisher: AustraBorea
by William G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/03/2021 21:55:24

What's not to like? The Pulp of Tarot features fantastic artwork, a sense of humor, and subversive NSFW content. Plus, this deck appeals to the nerd in me from multiple angles. As a comics nerd, I love the underground comix look of the images. As a pulp novel nerd, I love the subject matter. And as a obsessive collector, I love that the deck is ever evolving through variants and expansion packs.

I buy tarot cards for the artwork and as a brainstorming tool, so I can't speak to how effective the deck is for divination. However, in terms of pure fun, it can't be beat.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The Pulp of Tarot
Publisher: AustraBorea
by Malibu A. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/29/2020 23:17:53

I love The pulp of tarot collection! The artwork on each card is beautiful. I am a novice as far as reading tarot cards but I knew when I saw these cards I had to have them!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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