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The 1909 Art Restoration Deck Tarot Cards $34.74
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The 1909 Art Restoration Deck Tarot Cards
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The 1909 Art Restoration Deck Tarot Cards
Publisher: C in London
by Lorena B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/30/2024 08:08:55

I am absolutely in love with this deck. It is my new favorite deck above all my other Rider-Waite decks that I own. This deck is gorgeous and the art restoration was done beautifully. One can now perceive the delicate details in the cards and truly appreciate the art as never before. I appreciate this deck and I am grateful to C in London for bringing this deck into reality. Thank you C in London ad I truly hope that you have more historical decks on the way. I am currently waiting on my Grand Etteilla deck and am looking forward to it. Thank you again, you did an amazing job on this deck. I highly reccomend this deck to all.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The 1909 Art Restoration Deck Tarot Cards
Publisher: C in London
by BB B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 01/26/2024 19:59:52

I was pleasantly surprised by the card/print quality. They are about on par with my US Games decks for feel, which, I guess some people like super thick and sticky cards, but I like to shuffle. I did see a small blemish that I'm not sure if it's printer error, but not a big deal. Ultimately, it does suck to pay $40 for cards that are more like $20 quality; it would be great if this deck got picked up by a major publisher. I also HATE the tuckbox it came in; it's impossible to open without creasing and part of it sticks out and makes it hard to get the cards in. I put my deck in a wood box.

The art itself is amazingly detailed — I didn't know the Fool's dog had teeth! The cards are a bit off-white and aged looking, but cleaned up to where it nails feeling both ancient and new. I think this approach is way better than some of the restos I've seen, like some of the Meneghello releases that are covered in mold.

The colors are more muted and the contrast is lower/lines are thinner than on the predominant RWS repros, which is even more of an adjustment coming from the aggressively colored, high-contrast Albano deck I was using before. As a non-expert, it feels like a perfect copy of the original, so now I have the real deal with the punk rock version as its sidekick.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The 1909 Art Restoration Deck Tarot Cards
Publisher: C in London
by Ven N. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/17/2023 23:10:42

I have seen so many different iterations of Pamela Colman Smith's artwork cleaned up or made to be higher fidelity redraws in various ways for various releases from US Games Systems and Etsy sellers and others, and this is hands down my all-time favourite take on her original artwork of any deck.

The deep respect for the history of this very first printing and all its imperfections gives it so much charm and realness, I cannot gush enough about it. I have one of of the US Games Systems decks (the one in the boxed set with the tiny Pictorial Key by Waite and the Celtic Cross diagram insert) and it just pales in comparison to this one. I hope to see more pre-1909 tarot and tarrochi decks by C in London, absolutely fabulous work with incredible attention to detail and VERY affordable, the price point might be the most astonishing thing about their decks thus far and I applaud them big time for making things accessible to people who don't have massive tarot budgets.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The 1909 Art Restoration Deck Tarot Cards
Publisher: C in London
by Jamie L. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/23/2022 13:38:15

I have three versions (this one, the borderless edition, and the old 70s yellow deck) of the RWS tarot and this is by far my favorite deck. None of the cards in my deck had any of the printing issues another reviewer had with her deck. I almost didn't buy this deck based on that review but after looking at the cards on this site and in youtube deck comparison videos and reading the thought process that went into the Art Restoration Deck, I decided I'd try my luck. I'm very glad I did. It's beautiful. You can actually see what's going on in the cards. The lines aren't as heavy and the blacks aren't as saturated. The backgrounds and blacks look like beautiful watercolor washes with texture and variations and not just solid block of colors like you see in certain printings.

There's a lot of talk about cardstock these days in tarot reviews and it seems like people want really thick slabs of cardboard for the cards of their tarot decks. This deck has thinner cards which makes it easier to riffle shuffle and that's what I want to be able to do so it works out well for me.

I'll post links to some comparison pictures I took, hopefully they work. Overall, I highly recommend this deck. I was so happy to learn that someone actually made the effort to reproduce the original 1909 deck. Also, the ultimate deal maker for me was that this deck is made in the USA and that each deck is printed to order. This isn't some mass produced deck made across the world at the hands of cheap labor.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The 1909 Art Restoration Deck Tarot Cards
Publisher: C in London
by Christopher M. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 05/04/2022 09:12:22

Wonderful reproduction which captures the original deck as closely as possible. Colors are nicely saturated but not dull, and linesare very clean. Great job, I love to see this level of care and attention.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The 1909 Art Restoration Deck Tarot Cards
Publisher: C in London
by Danniel P. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 04/01/2022 13:34:25

I was really excited to get this deck because it's the closest thing out there to Pixie's original and the most oldest version found. I like that the box is simple and clean, with very little imagry. The card stock is great for shuffling and will wear well with time. However, the cutting of this deck is absolutely horrible. For the amount of money of this deck, I would expect to have an even border around the cards. That is absolutely not the case here. All the cards are not centered correctly and my High Priestess card is so far to the right that some of the words got cut off. Then theres a huge space to the left that is partially white and then partially a tan color. I'm so disappointed in the lack of care taken to make sure that such an important deck had everything centered and even, was thrown out the window...especially for a total of $40. If I wanted a deck this poorly made, I would have bought a knock-off for $10 off Amazon.

[2 of 5 Stars!]
The 1909 Art Restoration Deck Tarot Cards
Publisher: C in London
by Sophia S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/05/2022 08:31:37

the most accurate depiction of Pixies art I've ever seen. I can only imagine how much time and ebergy went into these cards.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The 1909 Art Restoration Deck Tarot Cards
Publisher: C in London
by Oscar G. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 12/17/2021 01:25:50

The art has really been restored beautifully for this deck. The RWS artwork is one of my favorites in all tarot decks I've seen so far and I love seeing all the details in this version. I'm very happy to own a copy of this deck.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The 1909 Art Restoration Deck Tarot Cards
Publisher: C in London
by Yury T. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 10/08/2021 09:23:49

Just received my copy. Great job! Good quality, images are beautiful. Any imperfections with linework or stains in the original deck only make it even more charming! If C in London ever makes faithful replica of Pam A, then they already have one buyer!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The 1909 Art Restoration Deck Tarot Cards
Publisher: C in London
by Cherdie B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 03/12/2021 21:36:33

This is the deck I've been waiting for. I have gone through so many versions of the RWS...plaid back, Universal, AGM, Centennial, LS...they were either unattractive or inaccurate. This deck finally gets it right! It looks so very close to the scans I've seen of Pamela's original work and that's all I've ever wanted. Thanks so much for putting this work out there! I hope more people find it.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The 1909 Art Restoration Deck Tarot Cards
Publisher: C in London
by Reiko S. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 08/25/2020 23:58:41

I think this is the most complete RWS deck at the moment. Thank you for creating this deck. I'd be happy if I could make a bridge size (pocket size) someday.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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