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Human Barbarians - Customizable and Printable Paper Mini Figures and Cards
Publisher: WargamePaper
by Julio B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 09/24/2023 21:52:18

I already got this miniature set at the artist's Patreon, but I love it so much I bought it here again just to give it a five star rating. The art itself is great, and the many customization options let you create a variety of characters, or several variations of the same, such as your barbarian wielding different weapons, holding a torch or a shield, wearing a cape, or having war paint on. If you're playing a female barbarian and want different minis for when she switches weapons, for instance, this is the mini for you. Also, it's based on my favorite character, so that's a big plus for me ;)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Human Barbarians - Customizable and Printable Paper Mini Figures and Cards
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Guild Adventures! Arena of Doom
Publisher: Play by Action Gaming
by Julio B. [Verified Purchaser]
Date Added: 11/05/2020 20:43:30

I used to love those old "choose your own adventure" books, and I love these little adventures. Certain things do need some clarification, and the books could use some erratas in places.

I don't think it's ever clarified what happens if your opponent and you roll the exact same result on a battle. I've made a personal ruling that you hit each other at the same time, and you defeat the enemy but lose one life.

Also, in the Arena of Doom adventure, at one point you can get a potion which prevents the enemy from making you lose your die roll in combat, However, I've checked and there doesn't seem to be any enemies with that ability in the book, so I'm ruling that the potion prevents the enemy from imposing penalties on your die roll for one combat instead.

That being said, I love these books and I'm very much looking forward to the next in the series.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
Guild Adventures! Arena of Doom
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