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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Complete Errata Set (RoR, 1st printing) $25.09
Publisher: Paizo
by Kevin F. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 06/23/2015 07:13:06

There are some slight variations in the cards, mostly in color and saturation (these actually appear more crisp than the originals to me).
The print/cut was a little off on my order, the top face was printed/cut a little too close to the image not leaving much of a border but the backs were perfect.
Thickness, cut (width/height) and overall material quality matches the original in my opinion though I am sure some will say it is less so.

I sleeve all of my cards so any variations are of minor concern to me but if you are a perfectionist when it comes to your cards and games then these might not meet your standards. If you are looking to just get the updated versions (updated wording in most cases and in others updated set IDs, don't know how I missed that originally), then these should fit the bill perfectly.

[4 of 5 Stars!]
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Pathfinder Adventure Card Game Complete Errata Set (RoR, 1st printing)
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