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Turn Tracker Initiative Cards $3.00
Publisher: Amazing Rando Design
by John K. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 07/21/2015 12:17:00

These cards are incredibly helpful for keeping track of turns when things become hectic and there are a lot of players.

Their design is simple, and the cards are sturdy depending on whether you ordered the cards or printed them off yourself. Their bright colors help with their intended purpose of letting the GM/ST/DM know which of his players have gone, and which have not. They also help the players by letting them know when the bad guys have acted this turn. They are as welcome an addition to a game as a screen for the GM.

Good Faith Policy: I was not given a review copy but I do know the creator professionally. My enjoyment of the cards comes from our weekly FATE game.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Turn Tracker Initiative Cards
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