I bought these for use with Fate games. Particularly, those that use Balsera-Style Initiative. AKA Elective Action Order, Marvel Action Order, or Popcorn Inititaive. (See here: http://www.deadlyfredly.com/2012/02/marvel/ and http://angrydm.com/2013/09/popcorn-initiative-a-great-way-to-adjust-dd-and-pathfinder-initiative-with-a-stupid-name/- )
For that purpose, they are perfect. Big text in bright colors makes it eash to tell who has and hasn't gone by just looking around the table. The included set of villian cards are an especially creative solution to the GM having multiple characters to not only track, but make their status obvsious to the players.
Just the right product, at an easily accessible price point, with some nice touches. A well done accessory I plan on using frequently.
Rating: [5 of 5 Stars!] |