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The Badger Deck, Basic Set $10.99 $10.24
Publisher: dennisthebadger
by John G. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/04/2017 13:18:44

This deck of cards is incredibly beautiful. The art style has a pleasing consistency and simplicity, while eash suit is also given its own theme. That combined with the fact that this contains more "face cards" than are standardly part of a deck of playing cards renders this a very attractive artifact.

My only complaint is that the suits are not even roughly broken up by color as is standard, which makes a difference to one or two games. Then again, one can easily get expansion cards so that one has two blue-sh suits and two red-ish ones or two green-ish ones.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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The Badger Deck, Basic Set
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