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Dungeon Solitaire: Labyrinth of Souls (Poker-size Cards w/tuckbox) $0.00
Publisher: Matthew Lowes: Weird Fiction & Games
by Evan W. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 04/29/2019 00:44:43

Got my order today and its gorgeous. The only way these cards could be any better is if the 2-10 cards of each suit were illustrated as well. I would happily have paid more for a full illustrated deck in this style.

I've been fishing around for some time and this is the only tarot deck I've been able to find with a suitably grim, medieval-ish design, perfect for my intended use of having my Warhammer party try to divine and dodge what tomorrow will bring. The black & white inked picture design is the closest I have been able to find so far (style-wise) to the sketchy paperback illustrations seen in the Norrel & Strange television series, which inspired me to go looking in the first place. Most others are just too colourful or cartoony to thematically fit a grim setting. It doesn't hurt that the cards are a nice midnight black either.

Time to go shopping for a 80 or 90-card deck case to protect these.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Dungeon Solitaire: Labyrinth of Souls (Poker-size Cards w/tuckbox)
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