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The 1909 Art Restoration Deck Tarot Cards $34.74
Publisher: C in London
by Lorena B. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 12/30/2024 08:08:55

I am absolutely in love with this deck. It is my new favorite deck above all my other Rider-Waite decks that I own. This deck is gorgeous and the art restoration was done beautifully. One can now perceive the delicate details in the cards and truly appreciate the art as never before. I appreciate this deck and I am grateful to C in London for bringing this deck into reality. Thank you C in London ad I truly hope that you have more historical decks on the way. I am currently waiting on my Grand Etteilla deck and am looking forward to it. Thank you again, you did an amazing job on this deck. I highly reccomend this deck to all.

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The 1909 Art Restoration Deck Tarot Cards
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