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Building An Elder God $4.99
Publisher: Signal Fire Studios
by Prentice O. [Verified Purchaser] Date Added: 09/10/2011 10:47:16

I thoroughly enjoyed Building an Elder God. It's great for a group because it is easy enough to learn quickly, but it isn't so simple that it's dull. Advanced gamers won't get bored, and younger or less experienced game players can understand the rules and have fun. Since you can play on other players' monsters, the game quickly becomes interactive and exciting, especially after somebody damages another player's creature. Before I knew it, my group was hooting and hollering about broken tentacles and blocked pathways. If I had to describe this game in one sentence, I call it the lovechild of Cthulhu and dominoes.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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Building An Elder God
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