Really nice game, it took us 30 minutes to completely prepare for the game - print prompts, read instruction, draw cards with secrets, relationships and discuss who our characters are.
I am amazed how "ready to go" this game is.
It's a great system, and it augments other card decks, like the Mythic GME cards (You can use both at the same time to add extra detail to your games).
I'm taking off a point because the "Instruction Cards" have to be ordered separately. The cards use a system of viking runes which are not easily interpreted, and the instruction cards are a handy way to look up the meaning of the runes.
You can get a free PDF of a 30-page instruction book, but the instruction cards aren't included with the printed deck. Because of minimum number of cards per order, if you don't "Combine" the orders properly, you'll have to make a separate order for TWO sets of instruction cards, and pay for $3.99 shipping. These should just be included with the deck as the default option....
These aren't included in the printed deck. Because of minimum number of cards per order, if you don't "Combine" the orders properly, you'll have to order two decks of these, and pay for $3.99 shipping. These should just be included with the deck as the default option.
One of my absolute favorite tools for solo play or GMing, the cards are packed with random but organized data to help you come up with nearly anything on the fly. You could solo alone with it but I often use it alongside other tools like Mythic GME.
I own the Base deck and several others and swap between them based on game genre and tone. There are so many ways to use these, I recommend checking out the authors demonstration video.
Publisher: Ars Magna
Date Added: 09/01/2024 10:03:23
Potentially a very useful set of cards (my copy of 6 Nimmt is rather worn). Unfortunately there are no cutting marks on the front side, making it almost useless for those of us who provide our own backing.
Publisher: Alexey Aparin
Date Added: 08/23/2024 22:29:17
These little guys & gals are awesome. They print easily and quickly with no supports.
I wish there were minis for all of the base 4AD character classes.
I really liked the art of this deck, one of my all time favorites. The problem I had was the material. This deck is a less durable card stock and I fel MUST be used in card sleeves if you do not want to destroy it quickly.
I really enjoy the game overall, but I was a little disappointed by the cards. Having the Hero types on cards is really helpful, but having the minions and the lair cards is a lot less helpful since you can write those down on the provided roster. It would have been a lot moe helpful to have the Necromantic Powers listed on cards, since you reference those regularly and the information is more individualized per each power and ability. I would get a lot more use out of Necromantic Power cards than I would the Lair or Minion cards. I recommend the game 100% it's a blast, but this card pack isn't as useful as it could have been....