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In Your Dreams
by Brian
Publisher: Sundered Hold Scriptorium
Date Added: 07/17/2024 19:15:56
pixel_trans.gif In Your Dreams I love For the Queen and several derived (Descended from the Queen) games but this is my favorite. It has elements that add to it beyond just the prompts themselves. I love the art style. I ordered the physical card deck and it's great. Like any Descended from the Queen game it is no-prep and will get the players thinking creatively; it stands out for having an interesting premise that all the players are the collective subconscious of the Dreamer.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The GameMaster's Apprentice: Base Deck
by jacky
Publisher: Larcenous Designs, LLC
Date Added: 07/14/2024 05:22:38
pixel_trans.gif The GameMaster's Apprentice: Base Deck So here is one of my favorite tool to GM, and at that solo or not. I always tend to use 2 decks, the generic deck (this one) and the specific one for the setting (like cyberpunk, or space opera, or whatever). I tend to use the generic deck for the generic stuff (like the oracle question, and the difficulty curve) and the specific deck for the setting I am in. The cards are packed with informations, including the yes/no oracle, the difficulty curves, a set of icons, the catalyst, the sensory informations, or a set of 3 words. Add the fact it comes in the form of cards and it is fun to manipulate cards. To give an exemple you can meet (location) "in a farmhouse" a character named "Elmer" who (catalyst) 'Lost his memory", with next to him (sensory) "a pulsing orb" with (difficulty curve - 8) "a high level of magic inside". And you can oracle 'Does Elmer knows what this orb is ?" (bad) "no" What's not cool: - the runes, remembering what they mean is more troublesome than anything - the...

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Deckula - a solo card game
by Thomas L. F.
Publisher: Dr. Mindflip
Date Added: 07/09/2024 03:19:23
pixel_trans.gif Deckula - a solo card game Hello, "Deckula!" is a very fun little game and it is cheap. A game last 15 minutes and it is very fun. I recommand you buying it! :)

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The GameMaster's Apprentice: Base Deck
by Robert
Publisher: Larcenous Designs, LLC
Date Added: 07/08/2024 14:48:14
pixel_trans.gif The GameMaster's Apprentice: Base Deck This deck has turned out to be my go-to emulator for solo play. It's great fun and easy to use.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Journey Through Fairhaven Preview
by Vanessa
Publisher: PrintableAdventure
Date Added: 06/30/2024 16:05:40
pixel_trans.gif Journey Through Fairhaven Preview Great concept! Looking forward to reading more of this.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
How to Host a Dungeon 2nd Edition
by Aaron
Publisher: Planet Thirteen
Date Added: 06/16/2024 22:22:29
pixel_trans.gif How to Host a Dungeon 2nd Edition I loved the first How to Host a Dungeon. I'm sorry to say this version doesn't live up to it. There is a whole lot more content with lots going on, but the creator seems to have changed design philosophy. While the first game gave instructions on where to place things, how to draw them, etc, this one replaces much of that with 'your intuition is better than any rules.' This is not an uncommon sentiment in tabletop games, but it is a fundamentally flawed one. If someone wants to just make something up, they don't need rules. If they don't want to use a rule that exists, it can be ignored. If there's no rule at all, then that choice is removed from the player entirely. Ultimately, this edition leaves the player just making up rules for themselves for half of it. It's good for being one of the only games of its kind, but it's a disappointment as a sequel. I recommend the first edition, instead....

[3 of 5 Stars!]
Dimday Red Quickstart
by Alex
Publisher: 1sickPuppy
Date Added: 06/14/2024 10:10:39
pixel_trans.gif Dimday Red Quickstart I'm so glad I chose to back this on Kickstarter. Why this zine is obsurdly fun: 1: Fanatics that follow the church of Ra. 2: Bad ass mutations caused by solar radiation. 3: Awesome mechanics built using the apoc system.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Crypt - Malgorzata [4] - Tremere antitribu
by david p.
Publisher: Black Chantry Productions
Date Added: 06/11/2024 02:38:29
pixel_trans.gif Crypt - Malgorzata [4] - Tremere antitribu how many of these cards are supposed to be printed in a $0.35? was it supposed to be 4 copies? i only got 1 copy.

[1 of 5 Stars!]
The GameMaster's Apprentice: Base Deck
by Aaron
Publisher: Larcenous Designs, LLC
Date Added: 04/13/2024 14:16:38
pixel_trans.gif The GameMaster's Apprentice: Base Deck While the concept behind this is good, it does not work well for replacing dice rolls though if using percentile dice. The deck has a system for representing d100 rolls, but statistically is flawed, as the 5 for the single digit and the 50 for the tens digit both only occur 11 times instead of 12 like they should, while the 6 for the single digit and the 60 for the tens digit both appear 13 times. Not sure if there is a flaw in the deck that I received, or if all of the decks have this flaw (suspect it is all of them and that maybe they were hoping no one would notice. So be warned that if you plan to use them for d100 alternative, that statistically it will not give evenly distributed random results. I did not investigate the other die types, as I generally only use d%. ...

[2 of 5 Stars!]
Arsenic & Lies
by Pierre
Publisher: Karolina Soltys
Date Added: 04/09/2024 14:43:04
pixel_trans.gif Arsenic & Lies I've played Arsenic & Lies with 8 friends, treating it as a trial run to check its potential. We had an absolute blast, the experience was really fun. I really recommend it, especially for the price. However, I have some skepticism regarding its replayability. There's a concern that the dynamics between characters might become too similar from one game to the other. Nevertheless, our group is considering giving it another go to delve deeper into this aspect. I'll provide an update if we do.

[5 of 5 Stars!]
AXIANQUEST Infinite Dungeon
by Thomas
Publisher: Axian Spice
Date Added: 04/07/2024 18:46:56
pixel_trans.gif AXIANQUEST Infinite Dungeon Just finished playing first three quests with 2 players. Gameplay is just plain great. My Dwarf was slain in 3rd quest by an evil sorcerer while the my friend's Elf was able to complete the main objective and barely escape with 1BP. -The play is balanced and exciting with variable dungeons, objectives and side quest. The quests set up variably for the number of heroes playing. -Perfect with the Events, Artifacts, Heroic Skills and Furniture decks. -This is a far superior way to play compared to using app for DM-less games. -Absolutly love the campaign flavor and Tier system. -Great inspiration tool for building custom quests. Best of all this system holds the spirit of HQ. The deck melds with the game seamlessly and puts up few walls for making it as custom as you like. I am excited to see if more cards are published later and what other compatable deck mechanics this creator comes up with next!...

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Advanced Game System II
by Carsten
Date Added: 04/02/2024 07:55:14
pixel_trans.gif Advanced Game System II Das Advanced Game System ist eine hervorragende Ergänzung für das HeroQuest Fantasy Rollenspiel für Alle die Interesse haben, sich intensiver mit dem Spiel zu befassen. Es ermöglicht, ähnlich wie in der japanischen Version von HeroQuest aus den 90'ern, die einzelnen Charakter in Ihren Eigenschaften in höhere Eigenschaftslevel aufsteigen zu lassen, so dass selbst die selben Abenteuer durch andere Möglichkeiten wieder neue Spielszenarien bieten. Ein "Muss" für jeden HeroQuest Spieler ! Toll finde ich, dass sich das System in den HeroQuest Erweiterungen weiterhin nutzen laßt, da Lizuren hierfür die passenden Ergänzungskarten in Packung 2 und demnächst auch in Packung 3 (schon in spanisch erhältlich) zur Verfügung stellt. Danke für diese Erweiterung ! -------------------- The Advanced Game System is an excellent addition to the HeroQuest fantasy role-playing game for anyone interested in delving deeper into the game. Similar to the Japanese version of HeroQuest from the 90's, it allows...

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Advanced Game System
by Carsten
Date Added: 04/02/2024 07:53:50
pixel_trans.gif Advanced Game System Das Advanced Game System ist eine hervorragende Ergänzung für das HeroQuest Fantasy Rollenspiel für Alle die Interesse haben, sich intensiver mit dem Spiel zu befassen. Es ermöglicht, ähnlich wie in der japanischen Version von HeroQuest aus den 90'ern, die einzelnen Charakter in Ihren Eigenschaften in höhere Eigenschaftslevel aufsteigen zu lassen, so dass selbst die selben Abenteuer durch andere Möglichkeiten wieder neue Spielszenarien bieten. Ein "Muss" für jeden HeroQuest Spieler ! Toll finde ich, dass sich das System in den HeroQuest Erweiterungen weiterhin nutzen laßt, da Lizuren hierfür die passenden Ergänzungskarten in Packung 2 und demnächst auch in Packung 3 (schon in spanisch erhältlich) zur Verfügung stellt. Danke für diese Erweiterung ! -------------------- The Advanced Game System is an excellent addition to the HeroQuest fantasy role-playing game for anyone interested in delving deeper into the game. Similar to the Japanese version of HeroQuest from the 90's, it allows...

[5 of 5 Stars!]
The GameMaster's Apprentice: Base Deck
by Christopher L.
Publisher: Larcenous Designs, LLC
Date Added: 03/31/2024 10:57:14
pixel_trans.gif The GameMaster's Apprentice: Base Deck So excited to receive my deck of cards the other day! They are awesome. However, my deck came printed on both sides. I'm cool with it because I basically got a deck for free, but I did want to let you know. Thanks again!

[5 of 5 Stars!]
Black Spirits: Combat Cards
by Yves M.
Publisher: Chud Munson
Date Added: 03/29/2024 05:45:50
pixel_trans.gif Black Spirits: Combat Cards Better than expected - its not only that you now HAVE control about your damage and defense, its even a little bit like Gloomhaven, as your hand deck gets thinner and thinner, before you´ re allowed to redraw a new hand deck. You always keep the whole deck, so in the end you reshuffle all played cards and form a new deck to draw your hand cards from, thus you wont get weaker like in Gloomhaven - but temporarily you WILL get weaker and have to think well about your options you must live with for a couple of combat rounds. Finally, the game IS about combat mastery like the video game. Ingenious!...

[5 of 5 Stars!]
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